25th Anniversary of Poetry Ink

How do you present (potentially) 300 poets when many viewers feel Zoomed out after just two hours? Our answer is to take an entire week to present our poets for about two hours each day.

Poets are organized alphabetically by last name. Below is the reading schedule for each day, with links to the readings.

Not all contributors will be reading.

poetry ink

MONDAY, zoom link

  • Alandra Abrams
  • Fran Abrams
  • Liz Abrams-Morley
  • Michael Abreu
  • David Acosta
  • Carolyn Adams
  • Marjorie Agosin
  • Nathalie Anderson
  • Nathan Antoine
  • Meredith Avakian
  • Fran Baird
  • Kwame Bakari
  • Houston Baker
  • Floi Baker
  • John Balaban
  • Catherine Bancroft
  • JT Barbarese
  • Katherine Barham
  • Lisa Alexander Baron
  • Herschel Baron
  • Amy Barone
  • Peter Baroth
  • Tina Barr
  • Margaret Chew
  • Barringer
  • Samantha Barrow
  • Adriann Bautista
  • Siduri Beckman
  • Ken Been
  • Michele Belluomini
  • Norma Bernstock
  • Sylvia Beverly
  • Byron Beynon
  • Lili Bita
  • Pamela Blanding
  • Lynn Blue
  • Julia Blumenreich
  • Willeena Booker
  • Elizabeth Boquet
  • Matilda Bray
  • Joni brenner
  • R. Bremner
  • Eugene Brown
  • Deborah brown
  • Megan Brown
  • Margaret Brown
  • Mary Brownell
  • Lisa Bruckman
  • Steve Burke

TUESDAY, zoom link

  • Dennis Brutus
  • Barbara Carlson
  • Charles Carr
  • Aileen Cassinetto
  • Erin Castaldi
  • Grace Cavalieri
  • Sandra Chaff
  • Joseph Chelius
  • China Rain Chung
  • Ty Clark
  • Eulinda Antonette
  • Clarke-Akalanne
  • CA Conrad
  • Jim Cory
  • Beverly Cottman
  • Lynda V. E. Crawford
  • Terence Culleton
  • Raheem Curry
  • Craig Czury
  • Eileen D’Angelo
  • Steven Davison
  • Toi Derricotte
  • Steven Deutsch
  • Gregory Djanikian
  • Pheralyn Dove
  • Tom Driscoll
  • Carlos Dufflar
  • Terry Dugan
  • Philip Dykhouse
  • Mare Earley
  • RuNett Ebp
  • Ryan Eckes
  • Oliver Egger
  • W.D. Ehrhart
  • Helene Eisman Fisher
  • Massimo Elijah
  • Alfred Encarnacion
  • Martin Espada
  • Cole Eubanks
  • R.G. Evans
  • Katherine Falk
  • Linda Fischer
  • Peggy Fisher
  • Francis Flavin
  • Philip Foster
  • Bryan Franco
  • Daisy Fried
  • Deborah Fries

WEDNESDAY, zoom link

  • Keith Gaboury
  • Nina Gadson
  • Maria Gillan
  • Eli Goldblatt
  • Leonard Gontarek
  • Amy Gordon
  • Beulah Gordon-Skinner
  • Linda Goss
  • Sandy Green
  • Ray Greenblatt
  • Ona Gritz
  • Luray Gross
  • Gena Gruz
  • Hanoch Guy
  • Anna Halberstadt
  • Vernita Hall
  • Therese Halscheid
  • Sean Hanrahan
  • Michael Hardin
  • Anne Harding Woodworth
  • Laura Hawley
  • Maurice Henderson
  • Alison Hicks
  • Ernest Hilbert
  • Everett Hoagland
  • Ditta Hoeber
  • Ann Huang
  • Joan Huffman
  • Susan Hulbert
  • Barbara Hurwitz
  • Jane Ellen Ibur
  • Jack Israel
  • Jaz
  • Mary Jo Jerome
  • Irving Jones
  • Quincy Jones
  • Betti Kahn
  • Chris Kaiser
  • Carl Kaucher
  • Nzadi Keita
  • Aziza Kinteh
  • Rachel Kiskaddon
  • Jody Kolodzey
  • Lisa Konigsberg
  • Kathleen Kremins
  • Leonard Kress
  • Donald Krieger

THURSDAY, zoom link

  • Ed Krizek
  • Jim LaVilla-Havelin
  • Kyle Laws
  • Jeffrey Lee
  • Lynn Levin
  • Michael Levin
  • Elliott Levin
  • Antoinette Libro
  • Carey Link
  • Jewel Lloyd
  • Robin Longfield
  • Warren Longmire
  • Gregory Loselle
  • Dick Lourie
  • Gregory Loselle
  • Dick Lourie
  • Frederick Lowe
  • Alison Lubar
  • Lynette
  • Nick Lutwyche
  • Sean Lynch
  • Deidra Lyngard
  • Terri Lyons
  • Alina Macneal
  • Haki Madhubuti
  • Ann Malaspina
  • Norman Marshall
  • Angel Martinez
  • John Mason
  • Trapeta Mayson
  • Bernadette McBride
  • Octavia McBride-Ahebee
  • Cecelia McKinney
  • Austin McLain
  • Pat McLean
  • Diane McManus
  • Tony Medina
  • Barbara Meier
  • Drew Miller
  • Ethelbert Miller
  • Michael Miller
  • Helen Markil
  • Gail Mitchell
  • Abbe Mogell
  • Curtis Mohn
  • David Mook
  • Kathleen Moore
  • Michael Moss
  • Iryna Mozovaya
  • Peter E. Murphy

FRIDAY, zoom link

  • Charlotte Muse
  • Wun Kuen Ng
  • Thom Nickels
  • Leonard Niedermayer
  • Gloria Nixon-John
  • Stu O’Connor
  • Daniel O’Hara
  • Cynthia Oka
  • Ewuare Osayande
  • Alicia Ostriker
  • Marko Otten
  • Hermond Palmer
  • Our Sun Paul
  • Faith Paulsen
  • Joan Penn
  • Aaren Perry
  • John Polier
  • Steve Pollack
  • Kate Potter
  • Prabha Prabhu
  • Susana Praver-Perez
  • Halle Preneta
  • Elijah Pringle
  • Elijah Pryor
  • David Radavich
  • Margaret Randall
  • Patrick Reardon
  • Tennessee Reed
  • Don Riggs
  • Theresa Rodriguez
  • Ruth Rouff
  • Ursula Rucker
  • Destiny Samuel
  • Sonia Sanchez
  • Hayden Saunier
  • George Schaefer
  • Nina Schafer
  • Peter Schmidt
  • Jennifer Schneider
  • Esther Schnur-Berlot
  • Naila Schulte
  • Connie Wasem Scott
  • Fereshteh Sholevar
  • Alyson Shore Adler
  • Daniel Simpson
  • David R. Slavitt
  • Bob Small
  • Amy Small-McKinney

SATURDAY, zoom link

  • Christopher Sohnly
  • Ezra Solway
  • Meghan Sood
  • Charles Springer
  • Mbarek Sryfi
  • Lamont Steptoe
  • Jeanne Sutton
  • Kristen Swanson
  • Abigail Swoboda
  • Albert Tacconelli
  • Therese Taha
  • Elaine Terranova
  • Kelly Thompson
  • Melinda Thomsen
  • Esha Thornton
  • Terry Tierney
  • J. C. Todd
  • Jonathon Todd
  • Bevil Townsend
  • Sarah Trembath
  • Sandra Turner-Barnes
  • Bill Van Buskirk
  • Aliya Vance
  • Lois Villemaire
  • Elle Vintage
  • Brad Walrond
  • Dan Warner
  • Mercedes Weathers
  • Afaa Weaver
  • Kelley White
  • Diane Wilbon Parks
  • Roland Williams
  • Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon
  • Eleanor Wilner
  • Johnny Wilson
  • Rocky Wilson
  • Yolanda Wisher
  • MM Wittle
  • Donna Wolf-Palacio
  • Nellie Wong
  • Keith Woodrow
  • David Worrell
  • Samantha Wright
  • Sarah Zale
  • Robert Zaller
  • Sekai’afua Zankel
  • Daniel Zehner
  • Yelena Zotova
  • David Zuckerman

Moonstone began in 1981 when Larry Robin began to present writers at Robin’s Book Store, thousands of writers, poets, fiction, and non-fiction writers have read over the last 40 years. Poetry Ink started in 1996 as a benefit for the bookstore, where the cost of attendance was the purchase of a book. It has continued as our largest program, usually about 100 poets reading for six hours or so with an anthology that included those poets reading that year. This year is different, we have reached out to any poet who has ever read with us, and we are still functioning virtually. Our 25th annual Poetry Ink Anthology has 300 poets, some who are now famous and read here years ago and others who we just met. About half of the people who contribute to our anthologies are usually available to read, and I am never sure exactly who will show up.