10/13 – 7pm – Moonstone Poetry Series presents Thomas Fucaloro, Christian Georgescu, Sarah Sarai

Moonstone Poetry Series Presents

THOMAS FUCALORO, CHRISTIAN GEORGESCU, SARAH SARAI (from you say. say. – $15 Uphook Press)

you say say

Rhythm, risk, reach… A sensitivity to words that sparkle on the page and in performance spark off it…
Uphook Press is a New York City-based publisher specializing in work by poets and spoken words artists who love both the ink and the mike. you say. say. is the first of an annual anthology taken from open submission. Twenty-nine poets—from San Francisco, Dagsboro, Nashville, Denver, Long Island, elsewhere, and New York—write the gamut from Starbucks to whale walkers, chalk outlines to honeymooning, cranky operettas to the ping of a microwave signaling the end. They come from backgrounds as diverse as truck driving, opera singing, bongo-pounding, Def Jam slammin’, and jazz. Featuring: Judith Arcana, Samantha Barrow, Paul Belanger, Alex O. Bleecker, Tony Burfield, Patrick Cahill, Malaika Favorite, Thomas Fucaloro, Christian Georgescu, Thomas Gibney, Gary Hanna, Robert Harris, Suzanne Heagy, Aimee Herman, Kit Kennedy, Joan Payne Kincaid, Laura LeHew, Richard Loranger, G.L. Pettigrew, Sarah Sarai, Thandiwe Shiphrah, Michael Shorb, Mary McLaughlin Slechta, Karin Spitfire, Charles F. Thielman, Geoffrey Jason Kagan Trenchard, Joanna Valente, Stefanie Wielkopolan, Laura Madeline Wiseman.

Thomas Fucaloro was born in Brooklyn, raised in Staten Island, and now resides in Harlem. He says “This is what I want to do with my life. Mom and dad are not happy.” Thomas has read all over New York City, including a recent feature at The Cornelia Street Café.

Christian Georgescu was born in Bucharest, Romania, and raised in New York City where he has appeared on stage and in film, most recently in Pussyfoot. He has performed his poetry in a variety of venues in New York, Los Angeles, and elsewhere.

Sarah Sarai’s poems appear in The Mississippi Review, The Threepenny Review, BigCityLit, Ghoti, Fogged Clarity, The Minnesota Review and other journals. Her first collection, The Future Is Happy, was published in 2009 by BlazeVOX Press.