M. Nzadi Keita is a Philly-born writer, editor, scholar and teacher, author of Brief History of Heaven, She has received grants from the PCA and the Leeway Foundation, is an alumna of Cave Canem and has been a Yaddo fellow. She has also worked on projects with the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and WHYY.
Cassie MacDonald serves as Hearthkeeper of Brigid’s House in Camden, where facilitates a twice-monthly writing circle, organizes readings, workshops and other writing arts events, and creates neighborhood murals as part of the Poetry Liberation Front.
Lamont B. Steptoe is the author of fourteen collections of poetry (including Beyond the White Stone Lions), and editor for two books by Dennis Brutus, he is the winner of an American Book Award and a Pew Fellowship in the Arts and founder of Whirlwind Press.
An open mic will follow the featured readers. The event is free. Open Reading Follows, Sean Lynch as Host