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Take Five: Laura Baird, Deborah Brown, Barbara Siegel Carlson, Richard Jackson, Susan Thomas, with Dave Worrell

September 20, 2020 @ 2:00 pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 828 6011 8796 Passcode: 045261 Phone: +1 646-876-9923

Generous, empathetic, and deftly observant, these poems leave an afterglow, each one small candle guiding us through the forest of so much we don’t know. – Leslie Ullman, author of Library Of Small Happiness and Progress on the Subject of Immensity

Laura (Behr) Baird has published in The Cortland Review, Numero Cinq, Canyon Voices, vox poetica, among others. Laura lives in Montgomery, Alabama. As a psychotherapist, she has been in private practice for 25 year

Deborah Brown’s new book, The Human Half was published from BOA Editions in 2019. Her first book Walking the Dog’s Shadow, was a winner of the A. J. Poulin Jr. Award and of a New Hampshire Literary Award for Outstanding Book of Poetry. The title poem of the collection was awarded a Pushcart Prize. She co-edited Lofty Dogmas: Poets on Poetics  and co-translated the poems in Last Voyage: Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli. She lives in Warner, NH.

Barbara Siegel Carlson is the author of poetry books Once in Every Language and Fire Road, co-translator of Open: Selected Poems and Thoughts of of Srečko Kosovel (2018) and Look Back, Look Ahead, Selected Poems of Srečko Kosovel and co-editor of A Bridge of Voices: Contemporary Slovene Poetry and Perspectives. Carlson serves as Poetry in Translation Editor for Solstice and teaches in Boston.

Richard Jackson has published twenty-five books including fifteen books of poems, most recently Broken Horizons. He was awarded the Order of Freedom Medal for literary and humanitarian work in the Balkans by the President of Slovenia for his work with the Slovene-based Peace and Sarajevo Committees of PEN International. He has received Guggenheim, NEA, NEH, and two Witter-Bynner fellowships, five Pushcart Prizes and has appeared in Best American Poems ‘97 as well as many other anthologies. In 2009 he won the AWP George Garret Award for teaching and writing.

Susan Thomas is author of State of Blessed Gluttony which won the Benjamin Saltman prize, The Empty Notebook Interrogates Itself and In the Sadness. She has also published two chapbooks, a collection of short stories, Among Angelic Orders, and is co-translator of Last Voyage, a collection of Giovanni Pascoli’s selected poems. . She has also won first prizes for poetry from the Iowa Poetry Review, USC, Spoon River Review and Mississippi Review.

Dave Worrell, Host