Tuesday – 11/24 – 7pm – Lynn Levin & Rob Wright

Moonstone Poetry Series Presents

Rob Wright has been a regular contributor to the magazine Big City Lit since 2001. He was awarded Fellowships in Literature from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts in 2005 and 2007. His poetry has been published by Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts, Headwater Press, and in the magazines Big City Lit and Siren’s Silence. He has read his poetry at the First Person Arts Festival in Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Fringe Festival, Studio 34 in Philadelphia, and at Poets and Writers, the Gotham Book Mart, and the Cornelia Street Cafe in New York City.

Lynn Levin’s third collection of poems, Fair Creatures of an Hour, has just been published by Loonfeather Press. “These poems are a charm against solemnity,” says Eleanor Wilner. “So much excitement, such a rush of vitality!” says Elaine Terranova. Lynn Levin’s poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Boulevard, 5 AM, Lilith, Mad Poets Review, Schuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts, and on Garrison Keillor’s show, The Writer’s Almanac. The recipient of two grants from the Leeway Foundation, Lynn Levin teaches creative writing at the University of Pennsylvania and at Drexel University where she also produces the TV show The Drexel InterViewTM.