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Virtual Poetry Reading: The Poet’s Memoir – Elaine Terranova, Natasha Sajé, Spencer Reece, with Larry Robin

May 24, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

Meeting ID: 845 6981 8367 – Passcode: 472875

Virtual Poetry Reading: The Poet’s Memoir

Elaine Terranova’s memoir The Diamond Cutter’s Daughter is due in May. Elaine grew up in a working-class neighborhood, worked as a factory worker, office temp, preschool teacher, and editor. She taught at Community College of Philadelphia, Temple University, University of Delaware, and in the Rutgers MFA program. She is author of seven collections of poetry and two chapbooks. Terranova’s first book, The Cult of the Right Hand won the 1990 Walt Whitman Award, Perdido, is her most recent book. Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, The American Poetry Review, Pleiades, Ploughshares, and other magazines and anthologies. Her awards include a Pushcart Prize, the Margaret Banister residency, the Judah L. Magnes Gold Medal, and fellowships from the NEA and the Pew Center. (photo by Millie L. Berg)

Natasha Sajé is author of Red Under the Skin, winner of the Agnes Lynch Starrett prize; Bend, awarded the Utah Book Award in Poetry; Vivarium and her post-modern poetry handbook, Windows and Doors: A Poet Reads Literary Theory. Her most recent book is a memoir-in-essays, Terroir: Love, Out of Place, a finalist for Pen, Lambda, and Foreword awards. Honors include the Bannister Writer-in-Residence at Sweet Briar College, Alice Fay di Castagnola and Robert Winner Awards from the Poetry Society of America, the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize, a Fulbright Scholarship to Slovenia, a Camargo Fellowship in France, a Hermitage artist residency, and a 2020 Pushcart prize. Sajé teaches at Vermont College of Fine Arts and Westminster College in Salt Lake City, where she directs the Weeks Poetry Series.

Spencer Reece’s first published book of poetry, The Clerk’s Tale, was selected by Louise Glück as the winner of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Bakeless Prize. The titular poem was adapted into a short film by James Franco in 2010. Reece is also the author of the poetry collection The Road to Emmaus, a finalist for the Griffin Prize and longlisted for the National Book Award. He is the recipient of a Whiting Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship. For several years he lived in Madrid, where he was the national secretary to the Episcopal bishop of Spain. He currently lives in Jackson Heights, “the world’s most diverse neighborhood” according to The New York Times, where he is the interim priest in charge at St Mark’s.

Larry Robin, Host – Open Reading Follows