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The Disasters of War: An Anthology for Veterans Day
So much of what is presented on Veterans Day is the pomp and circumstance of the military, the parades and speeches extolling patriotism and bravery. All governments claim the high ground and send their young people to battle and then when some of them return broken, they are ignored. This is not new, nor is it one country or ideology.
The disaster of war is what it does to human beings.
Some veterans suffer combat-related injuries, including mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, traumatic brain injury. Other issues include extreme fatigue, neurological issues, insomnia, migraines, joint pain, persistent coughing, gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and constipation, skin problems, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems. The list goes on. These issues can lead to homelessness as well as drug or alcohol addiction.
We asked Veterans, their families, and the public to send us poems for Veterans Day reflecting on this, which will be read on November 14th. Please join us as the contributors read their work.