Ladyfingers + Erode and Disappear



THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 9pm – MUSIC – $10 Cover

Ladyfingers is the alter ego of eccentric rock n roll conjurer Adam Weiner. Here’s a recent review in the Philadelphia Weekly: “Ladyfingers auteur Adam Weiner’s the kind of artist you can imagine standing on the edge of the parkway early in the morning shaking his fist at traffic and cursing incoherently. That vaguely threatening, slightly unhinged undercurrent confers a gritty mien to his mix of shadowy piano ballads and ragged self-deprecating guitar paeans that peel back his skull cap to reveal the snap, crackle and pop of synapses. He’s got cabaret swagger like Tom Waits after spending too many hours inhaling subway fumes with a dash of Jonathan Richman’s affectless candor, wrung out after a week-long bender. Though he may feel like a schmuck, he possesses enough spark to transform his vanities into a towering inferno.”
– Check out more music of Ladyfinger here

Erode and Disappear is the project of members of acclaimed local Philly band, Northern Liberties. Justin Duerr and Kevin Riley are a raucous bass-drum duo, laying down heavy post-punk grooves for your rock n roll pleasure.