Marion Deutsche Cohen has a new book of poetry, Chronic Progressive (Plain View Press, TX), the last in her poetry trilogy about spousal chronic illness and caregiving; in this volume her first husband enters the nursing home and life begins to move on. Her books total 19, some of which are Crossing the Equal Sign, about her passion for and the experience of math, Epsilon Country, Counting to Zero, Surviving the Alphabet, and Dirty Details (prose memoir). She teaches math at Arcadia University; in particular, she has developed and taught a course titled “Truth and Beauty: Mathematics in Literature”. Other interests are classical piano, singing, thrift-shopping, Scrabble, four grown kids and three gran’s, and (relatively) new hubby Jon.


2 responses to “Marion Cohen”

  1. Can you please get this message to Marion…
    Marion, I have been thinking of you and would love to reconnect. You can email me at
    sherokeeilse@yahoo.com. I see you are still prolificly writing poetry. Or is that poetrifically writing prolific. Or is that prolific at poetry????
    I hope you are well – grandchildren!!! Yikes!!
    Lots of love,

  2. nebadon Avatar

    I have no access to personal information for the people who speak at events. If they are speaking at an upcoming event, then your best bet is to appear at the event and ask for contact info then.