TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 7pm – Poetry
Poets & Prophets presents

CAConrad is the recipient of The Gil Ott Book Award for The Book of Frank (Chax Press, 2009). He is also the author of Advanced Elvis Course (Soft Skull Press, 2009), (Soma)tic Midge (Faux Press, 2008), Deviant Propulsion (Soft Skull Press, 2006), and a collaboration with poet Frank Sherlock titled The City Real & Imagined (Factory School, 2010). The son of white trash asphyxiation, his childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift. For correspondence contact CAConrad13@AOL.com

[Debrah Morkun’s] first full-length book of poems, Projection Machine, was released by BlazeVox Books in April 2010. I reside in Philadelphia, a city of old ghosts and poets. I am a founding member of The New Philadelphia Poets, a group committed to expanding the spaces for poetry in Philadelphia. I curate series and events with a community of others. I am currently collecting inspiration for my current project, Hera Calf (working title). For this project, I have a palette of influences, including The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, National Geographic Guide to American Railroads, abandoned Detroit, Cleveland, Frick’s Lock, Chippewa Lake Park, etc. Early Rock ‘N Roll, auctioneers, train schedules, Detroit Techno, POP! art, amusement parks, Arthur Miller’s The Price, nostalgia. Tall Tales, John Chapman, Brother Jonathan, Old Nick, Samuel Wilson, John Henry. Motown. Memory Tapes. Documentary folklore.”


6 responses to “P&P: C.A. CONRAD & DEBRAH MORKUN”

  1. Francesca Avatar

    uh, where is Debrah Morkun’s picture??? a tragedy, indeed!

  2. nebadon Avatar

    Here’s the deal… the pictures that I could find of Debrah on Google were very small and low resolution (they don’t look good), if you can direct me to a good resolution, at least 200 pixel pic then I will post it.

  3. debrah Avatar

    haha! they don’t look good! o my! just kidding.

  4. nebadon Avatar

    Ah, the power of the Internet! I received your comment and not one minute later found an excellent pic. “Ask and ye shall receive…”

  5. Inspiring story there. What happened after? Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the blog. Much obliged.