MPS: Meredith Avakian & Hanoch Guy

Tuesday August 10,7pm – Poetry

Moonstone Poetry Series Presents
Meredith Avakian & Hanoch Guy

Meredith Miz Avakian, author of Propaganda Begins with PR: Poetry for the Soul, is a New Jersey native of Armenian-American descent who has been writing poetry since she was a child. She received a bachelor’s degree in public relations from Temple University and continues to reside in Philadelphia, Pa.
Although most of her work is shared through live performances, some of her poetry has been published in various print and online publications including the Armenian Mirror-Spectator, the Armenian Poetry Project, Poetry Ink chapbooks and The Literary Groong. She has spent most of her life searching for a sense of justice in the world’s inequalities. The message is underlined throughout her poetry and time dedicated to volunteering for community events. Both her personal and professional lives revolve around communications and the role that having a voice plays in society. For more information, visit:

Hanoch Guy spent his childhood and youth in Israel He is a bilingual poet in  Hebrew and English, Hanoch teaches Hebrew and Jewish literature at Temple University. He has published poetry in Genre, Poetry Newsletter, Tracks , the International Journal of Genocide studies Poetry Motel, Visions International and several times in Poetica where he won an award He has also won an award in the Mad Poets Society.
Hanoch current project is a bilingual Israel  poetry manuscript in Hebrew & English