MPS: Eleanor Wilner & Mary Lynn Ellis

Tuesday, September 28, 7pm – Reception/Book Launch

The Moonstone Poetry Series

Eleanor Wilner & Mary Lynn Ellis

Eleanor Wilner author of Tourist in Hell ($18.00 University of Chicago Press)

Eleanor Wilner has published seven collections of poems, most recently The Girl with Bees in Her Hair; Reversing the Spell: New and Selected Poems; and Otherwise. Her work has appeared in over forty anthologies, including Best American Poetry 1990 and The Norton Anthology of Poetry. Wilner has been the recipient of numerous awards, including fellowships from the MacArthur Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, the Juniper Prize, and three Pushcart Prizes.

Former editor of The American Poetry Review, she is currently an Advisory Editor of Calyx. She has taught, most recently, at the University of Chicago, Northwestern, and Smith College. She is currently on the faculty of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College, and lives in Philadelphia.

“Wilner . . . has a deep and heroic belief in the transformative power of language and myth. She paddles her surfboard outside the reef where most poets stop; she rides the big waves.” – Tony Hoagland

Mary Lynn Ellis co-author of  With a Poet’s Eye: Children Translate the World ($36.25 Heinemann)

In this book the authors show how young children come to love playing with language as they create poems and how poetry is part of the entire curriculum. “Through in-depth dialogue, this gifted duo exposes their classes to poetry through music, art, dreams, letters, and the natural world. They capture the essence of what poetry is, its power to transform through metaphor, and the joy of seeing anew through one’s own “Poet’s Eye”.”–Voices from the Middle. Mary Lynn Ellis has taught at Villanova University and Abington Friends School. A veteran elementary school teacher, Jane McVeigh-Shultz currently teaches at Abington Friends School in Pennsylvania