Rose A. Valenta & Chip Chantry

Sunday October 3, 3pm –Humor

Rose A. Valenta author of Sitting on Cold Porcelain ($19.99 paper, $29.95 hardback)

Local Comedian, Chip Chantry, will kick off this event with standup

Philadelphia humorist, Rose A. Valenta, has written over 160 essays in her new book, “Sitting on Cold Porcelain.”  This book provides delightful entertainment with an amusing, perceptive, and laugh-out-loud take on the state of the country and the world, on celebrities and politicians, and all the news events that make people roll their eyes and groan.  Its satirical essays include “Giuliani’s Gaffe Could Qualify for Political Darwin Award,” “Rush Limbaugh: The Don Rickles of Radio,” “Menopausal Seagull Interrupts News Broadcast,” “Trick or Treat – Smell My Feet,” and “The Mona Lisa Had High Cholesterol?”  Rose A. Valenta is a syndicated columnist; having articles published at Senior Wire, Associated Content, USA TODAY, the Courier Post, NPR, the Wall Street Journal and Newsday. She is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists (NSNC), the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, and the Robert Benchley Society. Witty and honest, “Sitting on Cold Porcelain” is an unapologetic yet unmistakably intellectual read, which provides hilarious entertainment.

Chip Chantry is a handsome young comedian from the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. His first performances were opening for his brother’s band at Fergie’s Pub in Philly and since then Chip has become a regular in comedy clubs across the country. Besides comedy, Chip enjoys music, people who get eaten by alligators, and writing about himself in third person.