The Cocker Spaniels, Oh! Pears, & The ALien Architect

Friday, November 5, 9pm – All Ages – Rock $5 – Cover

The Cocker Spaniels, Oh! Pears, & The ALien Architect

THE COCKER SPANIELS are a band consisting of one person: Sean Padilla, a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Austin, Texas who writes tragicomic autobiographical pop songs, and records and performs them with whatever means he has available.  His sound has been described as “a mix of golden-age Prince and the hissy lo-fi pop weirdness of Guided By Voices filtered through a dub machine,” and his live shows can galvanize even the most staid audiences.  He is currently on tour to support “Sometimes You’ve Gotta Fight to Get a Bit of Peace,” his first album in six years.

OH! PEARS is led by Corey Duncan, a former member of Philadelphia avant-pop band Pattern is Movement.  With a fluid lineup that can be a small as Corey himself or as large as a 13-person ensemble, Corey’s tuneful, orchestral songs are guaranteed to shift shape in fascinating ways, both on record and on stage.

The ALien Architect is the son of his madre, whom he loves muy mucho. He’s, like, made, like, workings in progressions such as his early 1970’s “Band ep” and stuff, and, like, a post apocalyptic 1930’s “mix tape” “coming of age” “STORY” conceptual recording, and another project that might be called “secrets” or maybe “self titled” or perhaps “self titled (release)” maybe, that was released in the future….and yet another, on the way, too… AND He has worked with, and performed along the sides of notable names, and his resume is actually quite reputable .