Love Doesn’t Live Here Anymore written by Stephen Satell and directed by Connie Norwood

Monday, November 22, 7pm – script in hand reading

Love Doesn’t Live Here Anymore written by Stephen Satell and directed by Connie Norwood

Love doesn’t live here anymore is about the struggle of a father who feels he can no longer love his daughter Leslie now that she is a teenager the way he did when she was younger. He feels he needs to prepare her for the harshness of the world. Her father has had his own struggles and there is also tension between Leslie’s mother and father. Their dream together seems to be slipping away and they put their hopes into their daughter although they disagree on how she should be parented. Leslie is best friends with Joy the girl who has lived next door her whole life. Joy looks up to her and follows her although when Leslie feels overwelmed by her father it is Joy who she relies on. Throughout this well crafted  coming of age story all of the charters lives unfold and you are sure to be charmed by the stregth of Joy’s and Leslie’s strong friendship as they join the softball team that hasn’t won a game. Love Doesn’t Live Here Anymore is sure to make you laugh, cry and at times will make you angry. As in most of Mr. Satell’s work famous people like Bobby Seale just show up. Mr Satell has written over fifty books and Connie Norwood has worked in theater since 1968 and has directed plays at Hedgerow, Prince, Brick Landmark and many other theater’s. She has both acted and directed plays through Europe and across the United States.


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