The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series featuring Joan Hanna & Angel Hogan

Saturday, February 12, 7pm – Multi-Genre- $5 Cover

The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series

Joan Hanna & Angel Hogan

Joan Hanna was born and raised in Philadelphia. She is the new Nonfiction Editor for Joan will also be the new Managing Editor for Poets’ Quarterly, summer 2011. Joan’s poems have appeared in: Common Threads and Moldicum, the premier issue of Glassworks and  her nonfiction story “Breathing” appeared in the October issue of r.kv.r.y. Joan has a BA in Writing Arts and is completing her MFA in Poetry and Creative Nonfiction at Ashland University. (Joan says on her blog: “My soul has always been grounded in poetry which has tangled its roots in non-fiction. I took a chance two years ago, quit my job, went back to finish my BA in Writing Arts and found myself in an MFA program for creative writing at Ashland University in Ohio. Sometimes when you jump off a cliff you land in soft places that change your life. Welcome to my changing life.” Read more at Joan is also celebrating her birthday this week!)

Transplanted from a rural horse farm to downtown Philadelphia in her teens, much of Angel Hogan’s writing is fueled by her non-traditional upbringing, which she describes as “a heap of multicultural embarrassments.” After studying Literary Theory at Bucknell University, Angel traveled cross country with a Chow-pit puppy in a diaper, and spent time at her Mom’s home in the Yucatan. As a toddler, her favorite foods were coffee and pan-fried liver. Angel currently works at the University of Pennsylvania and lives in West Philly with her cat Mamacita, and Sauce! the dog. She is a storytelling champ with First Person Arts. See more at:

Hosted and with live music by Cassendre Xavier.

The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series (Est. 2002) is a nurturing environment that celebrates women in the craft of mult-genre writing. All are welcome to attend and participate in the Series’ Mixed-Gender Open Mic. For submissions and schedule information, please visit, email, call 215-436-9702 or send a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to: Women’s Writing Series, POB 30204, Philadelphia, PA 19103-8204.

The Women’s Writing & Spoken Word Series is a project of Cassendre Xavier Enterprises (, which also creates Philadelphia’s Annual Black Women’s Arts Festival (Est. 2003) (