Griffin & The True Believers, Bramble Queen & A Stick and A Stone

Tuesday, June 14, 9pm –  $5 Cover – BYOB – Music

Griffin & The True Believers, Bramble Queen
& A Stick and A Stone

Griffin & the True Believers are Griffin Epstein, Andrew Epstein, Mike Cacciatore and Aaron Burns. We make politicized emotional think-rawk – we! make! you! think! and! rock! – and we want to bring it to your town this summer. We promise to make you laugh, sing and…think. We have lots of new songs to play for you – new songs about old stories, the weight (and weightlessness) of carrying memory, organizing against colonial and capitalist violence even in the face of a robot apocalypse, and so on. This summer, we want to head up the east coast and into Canada on our way to recording a brand spankin’ new album in Toronto. We want to keep playing pay-what-you-can shows and fundraisers for the awesome projects we support – we want to keep our music cheap and accessible.,!/profile.php…

The Entire Staff of NASA (Toronto): One guy, one guitar – the Entire Staff of NASA. On tour to support his debut album, The Entire Staff of NASA is Canadian folk inspired by cold weather and movies from the 90s.

A Stick and a Stone (Philly): a Stick and a Stone is the haunted folk of Philly songwriter and male soprano, Elliott Harvey. From banjos to bass drums to body parts, a Stick and a Stone uses meditative instrumentation alongside dreamlike lyrics and ethereal vocals. Working fluidly with artists of many forms, a Stick and a Stone’s live shows range from personal solo appearances to full collaborative performances.

Bramble Queen (Philadelphia): Poppy, folky, punky, duo who are cuter than you and want to steal your boyfriend.