The Last Word Open Mic

Thursday, July 21, 9pm – $5 – Open Mic

The Last Word Rocks

The LasT WorD is LIVE! St. Skribbly LaCroix hosts the most provocative, raucous and innovative open mic in Philadelphia. The LasT WorD is ground zero for the “Movement for a DoPeR PhiLLy.” It is an all-ages monthly open mic/performance art fiasco orchestrated by Saint Skribbly LaCroix and featuring the top readings and performances by the most eclectic performing artists in the Tri-State area and abroad. The mic is OPEN to absolutely ANYONE. Fresh off of celebrating its 3yr. anniversary and the most successful show in its history, The LasT WorD opens up the mic once again and this time in radical fashion, inviting everyone to bring their oldest, most tattered and weathered journal, notebook, and/or sketchpad to show or to read from. The lone soul with the most ruined looking rag will win a prize. For open mic or other info please send an email to or visit