Fact-Simile Equinox Chapbook Release Party Reading

Friday, July 29, 7pm -Poetry

Fact-Simile Equinox Chapbook Release Party Reading

Featuring: C. McCallister Williams, Debrah Morkun, Andrew K. Peterson, and Jess Wigent

C. McCallister Williams’ Neon Augury was the winner of Fact-Simile’s 2010 Equinox chapbook contest. Another chapbook, WILLIAM SHATNER, is available from alice blue books. His work can be found in GlitterPony, Pindeldyboz, elimae, New Orleans Review and elsewhere. He is an editor for Columbia Poetry Review. He currently lives in Chicago.

Debrah Morkun’s first book, Projection Machine, was published by BlazeVox Books in 2010.  Her second book, The Ida Pingala, is forthcoming.  She curates The Jubilant Thicket Literary Series.  Visit Debrah at www.debrahmorkun.com

Andrew K. Peterson’s poetry chapbook bonjour meriwether and the rabid maps was a runner up in Fact-Simile’s 2010 Equinox Contest. He also wrote Museum of Thrown Objects, a book of poetry/’soft architecture’ published by BlazeVox Books in 2010, and two collaborative chapbooks with the word ‘here’ in the title: Here Come the Groovies (w/Joseph Cooper), and between here & the telescopes (w/Elizabeth Guthrie). He edits the online journal summer stock and cofounded Livestock Editions, a small press publisher of poetry chapbooks.

Jess Wigent recently received her PhD from the University of Denver. Her poems and prose have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes and are published, or soon to be, in a number of handsome journals, including Memoir (and), Caketrain, Horse Less Review, Juked, Buffalo Carp, Beeswax, Arsenic Lobster, Third Bed, Word Riot and others.



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