Damask Launch Party for their first book Life of Richard

Saturday, July 30, 7:30pm – Reading

Damask Launch Party for their first book Life of Richard

Featuring: Benjamin Winkler, Jacob Russell, Toby Altman

Benjamin Winkler lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he serves as the editor of Splitleaves Press and is a member of The Philadelphia Hive, an interdisciplinary arts collective. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in: decomP, Galatea Resurrects, Otoliths, The Apiary, and Raft Magazine.

Jacob Russell was born in Chicago a long time ago. He arrived in Philly on a Vespa motor scooter in 1964 and never found the exit. He’s been wandering the streets of Philly ever since, searching for Found Things. Spirit Stick says: “Found Things may be given shelter, but lose all their powers if possessed.” Spirit Stick says: “Found Things can never be lost – were you to discard all Things you claim to own – that they be Found & granted their freedom, we might yet save ourselves from self-destruction.” For links to Jacob’s published writing, check out his blog: Jacob Russell’s Barking Dog.

Toby Altman lives well, mostly in Philadelphia with dog and friends. He is the co-founder of Damask press. His poems have recently appeared in Apiary, the Adirondack Review and other cute journals, in print and on the intangible avenues of the internet. He has two chapbooks forthcoming: Asides, from Split Leaves Press, and Life of Richard from Damask Press.

Damask is an independent press. We make hand-made chapbooks and broadsides. We favor spare design and verse in traditional forms.


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