Artists Against Censorship: A Literary Event

Thursday August 25, 5:30 – $5 Cover – Against Censorship
Artists Against Censorship: A Literary Event

“Poet Saw Wei was imprisoned for two and a half years for hiding an anti-government message in a poem. Mao Thawka, also a poet, died while serving 20 years for writing a poem critical of the military. Burmese comedian Zarganar is serving a 35-year sentence for publicly criticizing the government’s failure to assist victims of Cyclone Nargis. These men and those currently in prison are the unsung heroes of Burma. They have been censored and wrongfully imprisoned by their government for speaking the truth.

In 2005, I (Michelle Tooker) visited Yangon, the former capital of Burma. I quickly fell in love with the lush landscapes and gilded pagodas dotting the horizon, but it was the interaction I had with the Burmese people that most inspired me. They are the most resilient and welcoming people I’ve met in any country I’ve visited. As a poet and writer, I value my creative freedom. The people of Burma deserve theirs too.

So join me, Tamara Oakman and members of the Philadelphia Chapter of the U.S. Campaign for Burma in raising awareness on this issue and $3,938—$2 for each political prisoner.

Raffles will be held as well as an open mic. Light refreshments for sale. Proceeds to benefit the U.S. Campaign for Burma.Visit for more information. Or contact Michelle Tooker at or 845-591-8960.


2 responses to “Artists Against Censorship: A Literary Event”

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