Many Mountains Moving Presents Rebecca Foust, Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Frank Sherlock

Wednesday, November 9, 6pm – Poetry
Many Mountains Moving Presents
Rebecca Foust, Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Frank Sherlock

Rebecca Foust is a native of Pennsylvania and is visiting us tonight from her home in northern California. Her first full-length book, All That Gorgeous Pitiless Song, won the Many Mountains Moving Book Prize and was a finalist for the 2011 Paterson Prize. God, Seed won the 2010 Foreword Book of the Year Award for Poetry and was a Mass Book Award finalist. Foust’s chapbooks, Dark Card and Mom’s Canoe, won the Robert Phillips Poetry Prizes in 2007 and 2008. Her poems are in current issues of The Hudson Review, North American Review, Poetry Daily, Sewanee Review, Women’s Review of Books and elsewhere.

Jeffrey Ethan Lee’s poetry book, identity papers (Ghost Road Press, 2006) was a 2007 Colorado Book Award finalist. His first full-length poetry book, invisible sister (Many Mountains Moving Press, 2004) was praised in American Book Review, North American Review, Rain Taxi Review etc. Lee won the 2002 Sow’s Ear Poetry Chapbook prize ($1,000) for The Sylf (2003), created identity papers for Drimala Records, published Strangers in a Homeland (chapbook with Ashland Poetry Press, 2001). He also published hundreds of poems, stories and essays in Many Mountains Moving, North American Review, African American Review, American Poetry Review, Xconnect, Crab Orchard Review, Crazyhorse, Washington Square. He also won the first Tupelo Press award for literary fiction in 2001 for a novel, The Autobiography of Somebody Else.

Frank Sherlock and the Philadelphia Poetry scene are synonymous. His work has been published widely in the small and electronic press. He is the author of Wounds in an Imaginary Nature Show, (Night Flag Press), Spring Diet of Flowers at Night, (Mooncalf Press), ISO, (furniture press) and 13, (ixnay press). Past collaborations include work with CAConrad, Jennifer Coleman and sound artist Alex Welsh. Publication of his most recent collaborative poem with Brett Evans, entitled Ready-to-Eat Individual is forthcoming in the near future. Frank has hosted a number of poetry series in the city, the latest The Night Flag Series and is a regular contributor to The Philly Sound Blog. You can visit with Frank at