Turtleneck Press Presents James Tressel & Brian Warfield

Sunday, January 29, 7pm – Poetry
Turtleneck Press Presents
JamesTressel & Brian Warfield

“Turtleneck Press wishes to invite you to the launch of its first two chapbooks. James Tressel will be reading from his chapbook of poetry and prose, “Furnace.” Brian Warfield, founder of Turtleneck Press, will read from “Grey Inserts Himself, Like an Oven Mitt in a Top Hat,” a series of linked stories. Afterwards, Turtleneck Press wants to hear from you and will open the floor to an open mic reading of one or two poems per reader.” Turtleneck Press, turtleneckpress.com


One response to “Turtleneck Press Presents James Tressel & Brian Warfield”

  1. That Grey sure is a character!!! Finally got the feed for the last two stories from Brian. Great job!!! I must read more about Grey.