Belleville Quartet & Slowey and the Slow Boats

Friday February 24, 8pm – $10 Cover -BYOB – Gypsy Jazz

The Belleville Quartet & Slowey and the Slow Boats

The Belleville Quartet is a West Philadelphia based acoustic jazz ensemble.

Born and raised in Northeast PA, Matt Stein moved to Philadelphia in 2002 and has been an active bass player in the Philadelphia music community ever since. He graduated from Temple University’s Jazz Studies program in 2006 and has studied under a number of great bassists, including Tony Marino, Mike Boone, Madison Rast, Tyrone Brown, Ben Street, Drew Gress, and John Hood. He currently studies with the great musicologist Karl Berger.Matt has performed with many ensembles, including rock bands illuminea, The Book of Knots, and Hoots and Hellmouth, and more jazz oriented groups Racketshop (Dan Blacksberg/Nick Millevoi), Travis Woodson’s Live Like a King, and the Belleville Quartet. He also leads his own group, which will be doing some tribute shows for the late great drummer, Paul Motian, in the spring of 2012

Slowey and the Slow Boats

Slowey and the Slow Boats is a group of accomplished Philadelphia-based musicians who have gotten together to play the music they love.  Comprised of steel guitar, standard guitars, Wurlitzer, and bass the group’s sound is unexpected yet familiar.


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