“Jesus Had Two Daddies,” a ridiculously serious look at scripture – Peterson Toscano

Thursday, March 1, 8pm – $12 Suggested Cover – Theater

“Jesus Had Two Daddies,” a ridiculously serious look at scripture – Peterson Toscano

Renowned performer Peterson Toscano returns to Philadelphia with a new play examining the bible and its relation to LGBTQ people. The cost of admission is on a sliding scale and no one will be turned away for their inability to pay. All profits go to benefit the 2012 Equality Ride.


2 responses to ““Jesus Had Two Daddies,” a ridiculously serious look at scripture – Peterson Toscano”

  1. Walter Hjelt Sullivan Avatar
    Walter Hjelt Sullivan

    Peterson is a kick. I say go there and have this experience!

  2. nebadon Avatar

    I agree, it was insightful, clever, and hilarious…and like he said, it’s something that theists, atheists, agnostics, and Flying Spaghetti Monsterists can all enjoy.