John Gery & Shelley Puhak Headline Poets From University of New Orleans

Thursday, March 29, 7pm – Poetry

John Gery & Shelley Puhak Headline Poets From University of New Orleans

Laissez les bons temps rouler! Join teachers and graduates from the University of New Orleans low res.  MFA program for a rare Philadelphia poetry extravaganza. Featuring haunting fairy tales, jazzy riffs and profound luminosity! Guests include poet and critic John Gery, director of UNO’s Ezra Pound writing retreat in Brunenberg, Italy; Shelley Puhak, author of the new poetry collection, The Consolation of Fairy Tales; Dawn Manning, winner of the Edith Garlow Poetry Prize; Kelly McQuain, a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Fellow; and Jeni Stewart, winner of the 2010 Faulkner Wisdom Award. Hosted by Tamara Oakman and Lillian Dunn, local editors of Philadelphia’s ever buzz-worthy APIARY MAGAZINE!

John Gery, originally from Lititz, Pennsylvania, is now a professor at University of New Orleans where he runs the Ezra Pound writing retreat in Brunenberg, Italy. A poet and critic of contemporary poetry, he has also been a Poet-in-Residence at Bucknell University. His books include The Enemies of  Leisure and other works.


Dawn Manning, a recent MFA graduate of UNO, is a writer, photographer, and anthropologist living in Philadelphia. She won the Edith Garlow Poetry Prize in 2003 and lives in West Chester, PA.

Kelly McQuain, a graduate of Temple and UNO, is a professor of creative writing at Community College of Philadelphia. His poems and prose have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Press 1, Painted Bride Quarterly, Black Heart, Certain Circuits, The Philadelphia City Paper, Men on Men, Skin & Ink, Rough Trade, Philly Fiction and elsewhere, earning him two fellowships from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.

Shelly Puhak is author of the award-winning Stalin in Aruba and the new poetry collection, The Consolation of Fairy Tales, which won the 2011 Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize and is just out from Split Oak Press.  A UNO grad, she is now writer-in-residence at Notre Dame of Maryland University. Other awards include a Maryland State Arts Council grant. Her poems have appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, New Delta Review, New South, Third Coast, and other journals.

Jeni Stewart is a graduate of UNO’s Low Residency MFA program, and winner of the 2010 Faulkner Wisdom award for her novel in progress. She writes both poetry and prose, and her publications include Florida English, Sentence, Exquisite Corpse, The Cream City Review, and Big Bridge. She currently lives in North Carolina, and is finishing revisions on her novel, Wanton Women.


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