An Evening with Samuel R. Delany

Wednesday April 25, 7pm – Fiction

An Evening with Samuel R. Delany

Samuel R. Delany is a critic and novelist with essays and interviews in seven volumes. The most recent four are Silent Interviews (1994), Longer Views (1996), Shorter Views (1999), and About Writing (2006). His award winning autobiography The Motion of Light in Water (1988) and his novel Hogg (1995) were returned to print in 2004, as was first book of criticism, The Jewel-Hinged Jaw (1978; revised 2010). His penultimate novel Phallos (2004) was reviewed in the Village Voice as “a lapidary, digital-age Pale Fire, tonally redolent of Valéry’s Epilinos” and will shortly be reissued by NYU Press, and his most recent novel, Dark Reflections (2006), won the Stonewall Book Award.

Samuel R. Delany’s new novel is Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders ($21.95 Magnus Books)

His other fictions include The Mad Man (1995), and Atlantis: Three Tales (1993). Dhalgren (1975) and his early science fiction—Babel-17 and Empire Star (both 1966), Nova (1968), and Aye, and Gomorrah (collected stories 2003)—are currently in print with Vintage Books. His four-volume Return to Neveryon series is published by Wesleyan University Press.

A multiple winner of both Hugo and Nebula Awards, he is also a recipient of the Pilgrim Award for outstanding scholarship in science fiction studies, a member of the Science Fiction Hall of Fame, and a winner of the William Whitehead Memorial Award for a lifetime’s contribution to Lesbian and Gay Literature.

He is represented in the prestegeous Mississippi University Press Conversations with Writers series with a volume (2009) edited by Carl Freedman. His scholarly interests include Walter Pater, and the Oxford aesthetic movement and its influence on high modernism, as well as questions of race, gender, queer studies, and literary theory.

After eleven years as a comparative literature professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a year and a half as an English professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Mr. Delany began as a professor of English and creative writing at Temple University in January 2001.