MPS: Aschak & Joe Roarty

Tuesday, June 12, 7pm – Poetry

Moonstone Poetry Series Presents

Aschak & Joe Roarty

Aschak, poet and artist, was born in Trinidad but has long been a Philadelphia resident. Besides writing and performing his poetry, he has organized readings and brought poetry to the schools. His paintings can be seen on Astral Wilderness

Joe Roarty is possibly Chicago’s premiere beat poet. He continues to move his work along a steady line of the hand drum he often uses to accentuate, drive, and punctuate his readings. The strength of this full-time poet is in combining the precision of his lines with the surreal and fantastic power of his premises and conceptualizations.

Open Reading to Follow Featured Readers


One response to “MPS: Aschak & Joe Roarty”

  1. thanks for th very nice promo but i never met corso or ginsberg joe