Poets & Prophets Presents Lili Bita

Tuesday, September 4, 7pm – Poetry

Poets & Prophets Presents Lili Bita

Internationally-renowned author and actress Lili Bita will read from her new memoir of her late son Philip, The Storm Rider. Lili Bita is the author of some twenty books of verse, fiction, memoir, and translation, and has performed on stage on three continents.  Author, actress, and musician, Lili Bita has been one of contemporary Greece’s foremost cultural ambassadors. The brilliant interpretations of Greek culture and history in her acclaimed one-woman shows, “The Greek Woman Through the Ages” and “Freedom or Death,” have brought the legacy off Hellenism around the world. Her own poetry and fiction have won praise from such figures as Nikos Kazantzakis, Anais Nin, and Kenneth Rexroth. Tasos Athanasiadis, the former director of the Greek National Theater, calls her “among the most talented women of her generation.”