Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM

Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM

699 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

(Filmed before a live audience,

the program will be edited and later broadcast) 

Tuesday October 8, 2013, 7pm

Tadeusz Dąbrowski, Joshua Weiner, Martin Woodside


Tadeusz Dąbrowski is a Polish poet, essayist, and critic. Editor of the literary bimonthly Topos, he has been published in many journals in his native country (including Tygodnik Powszechny and Polityka) and abroad (including Boston Review, The American Poetry Review, Poetry Ireland, AGNI Online, and Poetry Wales). He’s won numerous awards, including from Tadeusz Różewicz, the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Culture (2006). Tadeusz is the editor of the anthology Poza słowa. Antologia wierszy 1976–2006 (2006), and the author of eight volumes of poetry including  Black Square, ( in English). He lives in Gdańsk on the Baltic coast of Poland. Organized in collaboration with the Polish Cultural Institute New York

Joshua Weiner is the author of three books of poetry, most recently, The Figure of a Man Being Swallowed by a Fish, is editor of At the Barriers: On the Poetry of Thom Gunn, and the poetry editor of Tikkun magazine.  He is the recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award, the Rome Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and a 2014 fellowship from the Guggenheim Foundation, among others.  A professor of English literature and poetry at the University of Maryland, he lives with his family in Washington DC.

Martin Woodside is a writer, translator, and a founding member of Calypso Editions.  He’s published five books for children, a chapbook of poetry, Stationary Landscapes, and an anthology of Romanian poetry in translation, Of Gentle Wolves. Along with Chris Tanasescu, he edited and translated a colletion Romanian poet Gellu Naum’s work entitled Athanor and Other Pohems.  Martin spent 2009-10 on a Fulbright in Romania, studying contemporary Romanian poetry.