Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM Studios

Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM Studios,

699 Ranstead Street

Tuesday November 12, 2013, 7pm

Mentor and Mentored

Dr. Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon – Professor, Poet, Playwright, Lecturer, Director, and performance Artist, is a two-time recipient of the Future Faculty Fellowship, at Temple University and is currently an Assistant Professor of Theater History in the Theater Department at Temple University. Winner of the PEW Charitable Trusts Fellowship in the Arts for Scriptwriting; the DaimlerChrysler “Spirit of the Word” National Poetry Competition,  Lila Wallace Creative Arts Fellowship and is also a two-time returning playwright with the Minneapolis Playwrights’ Center. Williams is a contributing poet to several anthologies including Bum Rush the Page; Houston Poetry Fest Anthology, Houston Poetry Fest Anthology; Spirit of the Words: Moving Through Poetry etc and is the author of eight books of poetry. TS Hawkins is a Temple University Poetry as Performance alum, author of four publications: Sugar Lumps and Black Eye Blues, Confectionately Yours, Mahogany Nectar and Lil Blæk Book: All the Long Stories Short. (Lyrispect) Nina Ball is an award-winning poet, performer, activist & executive-producer who has been recognized by the NAACP and U.S. Coast Guard. She was an invited guest of The White House, recipient of the Sonia Sanchez Women’s Studies Award, and in 2013 she received the Asia Adams Save OUR Children Foundation Positive Image Award.