E-Verse Equinox Presents Sarah Arvio, Jenn McCreary & H.R. Stoneback

Moonstone Poetry @ Fergie’s Pub

1214 Sansom Street.

Wednesday March 19, 7pm

E-Verse Equinox Presents

Sarah Arvio, Jenn McCreary, and H. R. Stoneback


saraharvioSarah Arvio’s latest book is Night Thoughts: 70 Dream Poems & Notes from an Analysis, a hybrid work made up of poetry, essay, and memoir, published by Alfred A. Knopf. Her earlier books of poems are Visits from the Seventh and Sono: Cantos, also published by Knopf. She has won the Rome Prize and received Bogliasco and Guggenheim fellowships. For many years a translator for the United Nations in New York and Switzerland, she has also taught poetry at Princeton. She now lives in Maryland, by the Chesapeake Bay.

jennmccrearyJenn McCreary’s new full-length collection, & Now My feet are Maps, is now available from Dusie Press. Other works include The Dark Mouth of Living (Horse Less Press), :ab ovo: (Dusie Press), a doctrine of signatures (Singing Horse Press), & Odyssey & Oracle (Least Weasel Press). worrywort, a collaboration with Pattie McCarthy, will be published by Little Red Leaves Textile Editions in 2014. She lives in Philadelphia with her family, where she co-edits ixnay press with Chris McCreary and was recently named a 2013 Pew Fellow in the Arts for poetry.


hrstonebackH. R. (“Stoney”) Stoneback, Distinguished Professor of English of the State University of New York (New Paltz), is the author or editor of 35 books: roughly half poetry, half literary criticism. As an itinerant musician in the early 1960s, he collaborated with Jerry Jeff Walker (a period immortalized in Walker’s song “Stoney”.) Stoneback’s recent books include Why Athletes Prefer Cheerleaders, Voices of Women Singing, Hurricane Hymn & Other Poems, Amazing-Grace-Wheelchair-Jumpshot-Jesus-Love-Poems, Homage: A Letter to Robert Penn Warren, and Hemingway’s Paris: Our Paris? Forthcoming books include two volumes of mainly Philadelphia/South Jersey poems and a novel—perhaps a trilogy—set in Philadelphia and Camden between 1955 and 1965

Ernest Hilbert hosts his biannual reading series on the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Open microphone hosted by Paul Siegell to follow featured readers. Connect on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/events/558813350875295/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming


One response to “E-Verse Equinox Presents Sarah Arvio, Jenn McCreary & H.R. Stoneback”

  1. Bob Zell Avatar
    Bob Zell

    It would be nice if the open mic started before 8:45 waiting for one of amazing featured readers to finish reading her 20 amazing dream poems. It was an amazing night, and I feel amazingly happy that I had a chance to speak if I was able to do it quickly while all the people I knew left and people there to see the band filed in. It was a really an amazing night. I have never seen such an amazing poet chastise the bartender for speaking while she was talking, whispering to a patron to get their order during her amazing recitation.