Wednesday March 19, 2025 – 7:00pm
Live at Fergie’s Pub,1214 Sansom Street and on zoom – Use this link:
C.M. Crockford is a neurodivergent writer and editor. His works been published in dozens of magazines, anthologies, and websites, and his first book Birdsongs was released in 2024 with Alien Buddha Press. You can always find him doting on his cat Wally or seeing movies in actual theaters like a nerd.
R.G. Evans’s books include Overtipping the Ferryman, The Holy Both, and Imagine Sisyphus Happy. His work has appeared in Rattle, Painted Bride Quarterly, and Weird Tales, among other publications. His collections of original songs, Sweet Old Life and Kid Yesterday Calling Tomorrow Man, are available on most streaming platforms. He received a 2025 Individual Artist Fellowship award from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Shannon Frost Greenstein (She/They) resides near Philadelphia with her family and cats. She is the author of “Through the Lens of Time” (2026), a fiction collection with Thirty West Publishing, and “These Are a Few of My Least Favorite Things” (2022), a book of poetry from Really Serious Lit. Shannon is a former Ph.D. candidate in Continental Philosophy and a multi-time Pushcart Prize nominee. Her passions include Friedrich Nietzsche, anti-racism, ballet, the Seven Summits, the Hamilton Soundtrack, motherhood, and acquiring more cats.
Von Wise is the author of Grow a Cowboy, winner of the 2025 Beyond Words Poetry Chapbook Awards. His poetry and prose have been published and anthologized by Lucky Jefferson, Inverted Syntax, Gulf Stream Literary Magazine, Red Ogre Review, and elsewhere. He teaches English and Creative Writing in Philadelphia, where he lives.
Sean Hanrahan Hosts – Open Reading Follows