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Virtual Poetry Reading: 34th Street Poets

March 7, 2021 @ 2:00 pm

Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956   Passcode: 704102

The 34th Street Poets, one of the longest-running poetry groups in the Philadelphia area (since 1992), meets weekly and currently comprises seven members: Alyson Shore Adler, Deidra Greenleaf Allan, Sandra L. Chaff, Barbara Daniels, Minna Duchovnay, B.E. Kahn, and Nina Schafer. The group includes poetry book and chapbook authors, a Montgomery County poet laureate, Leeway Foundation award winner, Pushcart Prize nominee, and recipients of grants from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and NJ State Council on the Arts. Works by the group have appeared in numerous print and online journals including Adirondack Review, American Poetry Review, The Mid-American Review, Harrisburg Review, Passager, Poet Lore, and West Branch. The 34th Street Poets are currently based at the University of Pennsylvania’s Kelly Writers House.

Alyson Shore Adler has been writing poetry for the past 20 and has workshopped with and been mentored by many brilliant poets, including AV Christie and now Nat Anderson.





Sandra Chaff’s poetry has appeared in Poet Lore, Full Bleed, Unlocking the World: An Anthology of Found Poetry, among other publications. Her poetic subjects these days tend towards non-human sentient beings; philosophical musings on phenomena; and – no surprise here – mortality.





Barbara Daniels is author of Talk to the Lioness, Black Sails, Quinn & Marie, and Moon Kitchen. Her poetry has appeared in Cleaver, Faultline, and elsewhere, and she received four fellowships from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.               





Minna Canton Duchovnay left business to study Latin and translates early 16th Century Renaissance Latin love poetry.  Minna has been a featured reader in the Philadelphia area and has been published in Mad Poets Review, Premier, The Elixir, and the anthology, Embers and Flames among others.





B.E. Kahn, Pushcart Prize Nominee, recipient of both a PCA and CBE grant, among other awards. Her poems have appeared in Philadelphia Stories, Harrisburg Review, Mad Poets Review, Apiary and other journals. Author of 3 chapbooks, her book, Moon Writing to be published in 2022.





Deidra Greenleaf Allan has been published in American Poetry Review, Apiary, Haibun, Poetry Miscellany, and Puerto del Sol, among other journals. In 2001, she was selected as Montgomery County Poet Laureate and has received a Leeway Emerging Artist Award and been a finalist for a Pew Fellowship in poetry.





Nina Schafer is a member of the Lansdowne Poetry Workshop and the 34th Street Poets, and works with many poets at The Frost Place in New Hampshire every summer. She created The Unexpected Poetry Project through which she distributes (before the pandemic-induced hiatus) 12,000 poems a year, one-by-one, to unsuspecting people waiting in grocery store lines, at the gas station, in the elevator. The responses have been unexpected.