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Virtual Poetry Reading: Sean Hanrahan, Michael Angelo Abreu, Valerie Little, and Valerie Nies with Elijah Pringle

June 16, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

Virtual Poetry Reading: Sean Hanrahan, Michael Angelo Abreu, Valerie Little, and Valerie Nies with Elijah Pringle

Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737 – Passcode: 678146


Sean Hanrahan

A Chapbook in 49 Days Workshop Facilitator, Sean Hanrahan, is the author of the full-length poetry collection Safer Behind Popcorn (Cajun Mutt 2019) and the chapbooks Hardened Eyes on the Scan (Moonstone Press 2018) and Gay Cake (Toho 2020). He is head poetry editor for Toho, serves on the Moonstone Press Editorial Board, writes poetry reviews for Mad Poets, and hosts a poetry series at Moonstone.



Michael Angelo Abreu

To read the Zen-like poetry of Michael Angelo Abreu is to fall in love with language again. Each line has the beauty and grace of a dragon fly’s delicate wing or a flower’s gentle petal. His poetry paces away from the noise of survival to the tranquility of living. His chapbook, Amor de Naturaleza, is forthcoming through Toho Publishing.






Valerie Little

Pennsylvania native Valerie Little’s non-fiction work has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and she has a forthcoming chapbook, Little Blue Primer, through Toho Publishing. She lives in Minneapolis where she is a violist and orchestra librarian with the Minnesota Orchestra.





Valerie Nies

Valerie Nies’ poetry is woven with vibrant imagery that transports you to “the then now” that created the poem.  She writes with the surefootedness of a ledge-walker making a path along a cliff.  She is scheduled to release a chapbook entitled Imaginary Frenemies through Toho Publishing.




Elijah Pringle, Host — Open Reading Follows