Moonstone Presents:

Poetry Reading: Juliet Gelfman-Randazzo & Alina Pleskova

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Wednesday December 6, 2023 – 7PM  Live at Fergie’s Pub & on Zoom  Zoom Registration:   Juliet Gelfman-Randazzo is the author of the chapbook “DUH” and her work appears or is forthcoming in The Cleveland Review of Books, Barrelhouse Magazine, Passages North, Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, and The Offing, among others. Alina Pleskova […]

Paul Muldoon, Courtney Sender, & Patricia Davis-Muffet in Equinox Reading Series

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Moonstone Arts Center in Collaboration with E-Verse Equinox Reading Series Wednesday, 12/13 LIVE @ Fergie’s Pub & on Zoom @ 7PM Zoom Registration: Paul Muldoon was born in County Armagh in 1951. He now lives in New York. A former radio and television producer for the BBC in Belfast, he taught at Princeton University […]

Bill of Rights Day


Sunday, 12/17 @ 2P EDT; VIRTUAL ONLY Zoom Registration: December 15, 1791: Ten amendments protect the most basic rights of Americans, known as the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments made to the United States Constitution, and their purpose is to spell out the personal freedoms and rights of the American […]

Poetry Reading: Cydney Brown, Savannah Cooper-Ramsey, & Lawrence Dugan

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Wednesday, 12/27 LIVE @ Fergie’s Pub 7PM ET & on Zoom Zoom Registration: Cydney Brown is the 2023 Northeast Regional Youth Poet Laureate, 2020-2021 Philadelphia Youth Poet Laureate and author of Daydreaming. She is a Sophomore at Northwestern University and has been writing poetry since she was in 5th grade. Savannah Cooper-Ramsey’s published an […]

Book Release: Eat This Poem by Charles S. Carr feat. David Kertis

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Book Release: Eat This Poem by Charles S. Carr Wednesday January 3, 2023 – 7pm – LIVE at Fergie’s Pub Registration Required for zoom: Charles S. Carr from Philadelphia graduated from LaSalle College and has an M.A. in American History from Bryn Mawr College. Charles worked in Social and Community Development services for 45 […]

Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM: Autumn McClintock

Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM: Autumn McClintock Tuesday January 9, 2023 @ 6:30pm  VIRTUAL Watch for free on the PhillyCAM website Or Cable 66/966HD/967 or Verizon FIOS, 29/30 in Philadelphia. Autumn McClintock is a freelance writer and editor living in Germantown. Her newest chapbook, Dirt Bird, was recently published by Alexandria Quarterly Press, and poems of […]

Live Poetry: Elliott Levin, Ursula Rucker, and Yolanda Wisher

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Elliott Levin, author of does it swing and his newest poetry CD A Word by Any Other Name is a Philadelphia jazz legend. He has a quite active career as a published poet and likes to combine the two aesthetics in his performances. Ursula Rucker is an interdisciplinary poet, performer, and recording artist whose work reflects on personal history, family, and place. She characterizes her work as situated “along the edge of the terrains of poetry.” Yolanda Wisher was named inaugural Poet Laureate of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, third Poet Laureate of Philadelphia, and currently serves as chair of the
Philadelphia Poet Laureate Governing Committee. She is the author of Monk Eats an Afro and co-editor of the
anthology Peace is a Haiku Song with mentor Sonia Sanchez. Wisher performs a blend of poetry and song with
her band Yolanda Wisher; The Afroeaters.

Live Poetry: Jonathan Koven, Pat Rodgers, and Robert Zell

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Jonathan Koven, author of Palm Lines, Below Torrential Hill (EE) a winner of the Electric Eclectic Novella Prize, and Mystic Orchards,  Grew up on Long Island, NY. He holds a BA in English and Creative Writing from American University, works as a technical writer, and reads chapbooks for Moonstone Arts. He lives in Philadelphia with […]

Poe-sers – The Raven: An Autobiographic Performance

The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Poe-sers – The Raven Thursday January 18, 2024 – 6pm Central Free Library, 1901 Vine Street In collaboration with The Literature Department of Free Library of Philadelphia Poe-sers is an autobiographical performance piece. The stories of four personas: child, victim, woman and The Raven – the overseer of them all.  They are a keeper of […]

Live Poetry: W.D. Ehrhart and M.L. Liebler

Fergie’s Pub 1214 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Wednesday January 24, 2024 – 7pm Live at Fergie’s Pub, 1214 Sansom Street And on Zoom: ttps:// W. D. Ehrhart, Poet, Writer, Scholar and Teacher began writing when he was 15 years old and has been writing more or less continuously ever since. His first published work, a poem about Swarthmore College, appeared seven years later […]