Moonstone Presents:

Virtual Poetry Reading: International Workers’ Day Anthology Meeting ID: 828 5509 3815 – Passcode: 838862 Virtual Poetry Reading: International Workers’ Day Anthology May 1st is International Workers’ Day, a time of celebration and opposition throughout the world, except in the United States where it began. May Day commemorates the May 1st, 1886 nationwide protest for the eight-hour day and the following […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Nonsense Verse Anthology Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956 – Passcode: 704102 Virtual Poetry Reading: Nonsense Verse Anthology Nonsense Verse, a perfect way to look at today’s world. It is intentionally and overtly paradoxical, silly, witty, establishing a new reality separate from this one. Creative use of distortion, fantasy, surrealism, the impossible, opposites, made-up language form tensions between […]

The Struggle for Freedom: Virtual Moonstone Anthology Poetry Reading

The Struggle for Freedom: Virtual Moonstone Anthology Poetry Reading   Registration Required – Registration Link: Struggle for Liberty – Everyone Struggles for Freedom Independence Day in the US (July 4th) – Bastille Day in France (July 14th) The continuing struggle for liberty is prevalent all over the world, but there are contradictions and complexities […]