Moonstone Presents:

Virtual Poetry Reading: Black Lives Matter 2020 Meeting ID: 839 4481 8819, Passcode: 717435  400 years in the making Is America finally ready to confront the past, present and future of systemic racism? What do you think? Poets Respond People in the street demanding the end of systemic racism, recognizing that it is embedded as normal practice, leading to discrimination in […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: International Workers’ Day Anthology Meeting ID: 828 5509 3815 – Passcode: 838862 Virtual Poetry Reading: International Workers’ Day Anthology May 1st is International Workers’ Day, a time of celebration and opposition throughout the world, except in the United States where it began. May Day commemorates the May 1st, 1886 nationwide protest for the eight-hour day and the following […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Nonsense Verse Anthology Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956 – Passcode: 704102 Virtual Poetry Reading: Nonsense Verse Anthology Nonsense Verse, a perfect way to look at today’s world. It is intentionally and overtly paradoxical, silly, witty, establishing a new reality separate from this one. Creative use of distortion, fantasy, surrealism, the impossible, opposites, made-up language form tensions between […]