Moonstone Presents:

Virtual Poetry Reading: Ahmad Almallah, Grant Clauser, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737    Passcode: 678146 Ahmad Almallah holds a Ph.D. in Classical Arabic Poetry from Indiana University Bloomington. He is currently a Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, working on writing a book on Arabic love poetry and the ghazal. He held the position of Assistant Professor of Arabic […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Mama Poets From Eastern Europe: Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach, Luisa Muradyan, Alina Stefanescu, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 854 7735 2895    Passcode: 019747 Mama Poets From Eastern Europe, Celebrate International Women’s Day Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach ( is the author of three poetry collections: The Many Names for Mother, winner the Wick Poetry Prize (Kent State University Press, 2019) and finalist for the Jewish Book Award; Don’t Touch the Bones (Lost Horse Press, […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Lisa Alexander Baron, Rodger Lowenthal, Abbey J. Porter, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 816 7963 6780  Passcode: 788513 Lisa Alexander Baron is the author of four poetry collections, including While She Poses, poems prompted by visual art. Her poems appear in Chautauqua, Confrontation, Fourth River, and Philadelphia Stories. She teaches writing and public speaking at two Philadelphia-area colleges. She hosts “Modern Plays Read Aloud” on Meetup, […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Love & the Pandemic Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956    Passcode: 704102   Love & the Pandemic How are you coping? Has isolation made you crazy? Do you have a love life? If you have a family – Are you fighting with your love ones? If you are single – what have you done for the last year? How […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Nathalie Anderson, Thomas Devaney, Mary Madec, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737    Passcode: 678146 Nathalie Anderson is a poet, librettist, and educator based in the Philadelphia suburbs.  Her books of poetry include Following Fred Astaire, Crawlers, Quiver, Stain, and the chapbook Held and Firmly Bound.  Her poems have appeared in such journals as Atlanta Review, DoubleTake, Natural Bridge, The New […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Five New Chapbooks from the Moonstone Press: Carey Hunter Davis, Peter F. Murphy, Leonard Neufeldt, Monika Wysong, Seki’afua Zankel, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737    Passcode: 678146 5 New Chapbooks from the Moonstone Press Carey Hunter Davis began writing poetry as a day dreaming fourth grader once she realized words could enhance day dreaming. Her days are spent in writing and reading poetry. Recently dancingirlpress published a collection of her poems, “THE A […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Terry M. Dugan, Isabella Piacentino, Rob Wright, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 827 6872 9107 – Passcode: 896169 Virtual Poetry Reading: Terry M. Dugan, Isabella Piacentino, and Rob Wright Terry M. Dugan writes poetry and prose about the collateral damage people suffer from wars, gun violence and the AIDS/addiction epidemic. Her work has appeared in Alimentum, Bellevue Literary Review, Womens’ Studies  Quarterly, A&U Magazine,  […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: New Voices – Emerging Poets, Isabel Acosta, David Jones, Han Yang, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 828 5509 3815 – Passcode: 838862 Virtual Poetry Reading: New Voices – Emerging Poets, Isabel Acosta, David Jones, and Han Yang New Voices is a program designed for emerging poets under the age of 25. Isabel Acosta is a twenty-year-old aspiring poet who hopes to one day touch the hearts of many […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Miriam N. Kotzin, Michelle Taransky, Kevin Varrone, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737 – Passcode: 678146 Virtual Poetry Reading: Miriam N. Kotzin, Michelle Taransky, and Kevin Varrone Miriam N. Kotzin is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently, Debris Field and The Body’s Bride. Her poetry and fiction have been published in anthologies and in journals including Shenandoah, Boulevard, SmokeLong […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: National Haiku Poetry Day Anthology Meeting ID: 828 5509 3815 – Passcode: 838862 Virtual Poetry Reading: National Haiku Poetry Day Anthology  Observed annually on April 17, National Haiku Poetry Day encourages all to try their hand in creativity. Haiku poetry is a form of Japanese poetry that is non-rhyming and usually consists of 3 lines with a syllable pattern […]