Moonstone Presents:

The E-Verse Equinox Reading Series: Indran Amirthanayagam, James Arthur, Leonard Gontarek, with John Wall Barger

Zoom Meeting ID: 884 1011 7845, Passcode: 035824, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Indran Amirthanayagam, writes in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Haitian Creole, has published 19 poetry collections and recorded a spoken word album Rankont Dout, edits The Beltway Poetry Quarterly. He has won the Paterson Poetry Prize. His new books are The Migrant States, […]

Moonstone Poetry @PhillyCAM: The Spiritual in Poetry with Leonard Gontarek and Charles S. Carr

Watch the live broadcast: Comcast Cable 66/966HD/967 | Verizon FIOS 29/30 in Philadelphia | PhillyCAM TV: 2021 Philly Loves Poetry Interview and Readings Series: The Spiritual in Poetry with Leonard Gontarek In many ways, writing poems and the reading of poems are spiritual acts. The poem resembles a prayer. It can be an invocation […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Jim Morrison, a Tribute with Leonard Gontarek, Daniel Nester, Catie Rosemurgy, and Host Jennifer Hook

Virtual Poetry Reading: Jim Morrison, a Tribute with Leonard Gontarek, Daniel Nester, Catie Rosemurgy, and Host Jennifer Hook Meeting ID: 828 5509 3815 – Passcode: 838862 Leonard Gontarek is the author of eight books of poems, including The Paris Poems Of Jim Morrison (Moonstone Press); Take Your Hand Out of My Pocket, Shiva; He Looked […]

Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM: Leonard Gontarek with host Charles S. Carr

Moonstone Poetry @ PhillyCAM: 2021 Philly Loves Poetry Interview and Readings Series Watch the live broadcast: Comcast Cable 66/966HD/967 | Verizon FIOS 29/30 in Philadelphia | PhillyCAM TV:   Charles S. Carr talks with Leonard Gontarek Charles S. Carr talks with Leonard Gontarek, who will also read from is new book, The Long Way […]