Moonstone Presents:

Virtual Poetry Reading: Five New Chapbooks from the Moonstone Press: Carey Hunter Davis, Peter F. Murphy, Leonard Neufeldt, Monika Wysong, Seki’afua Zankel, with Larry Robin Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737    Passcode: 678146 5 New Chapbooks from the Moonstone Press Carey Hunter Davis began writing poetry as a day dreaming fourth grader once she realized words could enhance day dreaming. Her days are spent in writing and reading poetry. Recently dancingirlpress published a collection of her poems, “THE A […]

Virtual Poetry Event: Deborah Fries, Peter F. Murphy, Alan Toltzis

Tuesday February 15, 2022 – 7pm -VIRTUAL Registration Required – use this link: Deborah Fries is a Philadelphia writer and printmaker whose chapbook, Having Visions Again, was the 2021 Keystone selection from Seven Kitchens Press. Her two full-length books of poetry, Various Modes of Departure, selected by Carolyn Forche, and The Bright Field of […]