Moonstone Presents:

New Voices: Lex Bakey, Matilda Bray, Zillah Elcin, Rachel Haas-Gutin, Devon James, Cooper Kidd, Sam Lyons, Kelly McGeehan, Cecelia McKinney, Isabella Piacentino, Aimee Schwartz, Hoa-Angel Tran, Maya Workowski, Darian Zenouzi, with Krisann Janowitz

Zoom Meeting ID: 867 1393 7746, Passcode: 569861, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 New Voices feature poets under the age of 25 who have much to say and we believe they should be heard. We are excited to be a part of this community of young writers through readings and publications. I think it’s fair to […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Sarah Browning, Kathleen O’Toole, with Larry Robin

Zoom Meeting ID: 824 3734 5103, Passcode: 253385, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Sarah Browning is the author of Killing Summer and Whiskey in the Garden of Eden. She is co-founder and for 10 years was Executive Director of Split This Rock: Poems of Provocation & Witness. She is recipient of the Lillian E. Smith Writer-in-Service […]

Serotonin: Ejiro Elizabeth Edward, Adam Grabowski, and Maria S. Picone, with Sean Lynch Zoom Meeting ID: 854 7714 3675, Passcode: 693320, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Ejiro Elizabeth Edward is a writer from Nigeria. A passionate lover of the arts, she has been published on Inverse journal, stone of madness, Fortunate traveler and has been shortlisted for the dark juices anthology. She loves to travel and read when she’s […]

Not Our President 2020 Zoom Meeting ID: 837 3393 6968, Passcode: 460027, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he […]

The Red Brick Poet: A Tribute to Peter Krok Zoom Meeting ID: 834 4674 8712, Passcode: 626581, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Please join us as poets pay tribute to Peter Krok, the editor of the Schuylkill Valley Journal and the Humanities Director of the Manayunk Roxborough Art Center where he has been coordinating a literary series since 1990. His poem “10PM at Philadelphia Recreation […]

Virtual Poetry Reading + Interview: Lynn Levin and Barbara Sabol, with Alina Macneal & Jennifer Hook Zoom Meeting ID: 824 3734 5103, Passcode: 253385, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Lynn Levin’s most recent poetry collection, The Minor Virtues (Ragged Sky, 2020) is listed as one of Spring 2020’s best books by The Philadelphia Inquirer. Poet Ross Gay calls the book “a lovely honoring of the small, the minor sweetnesses that a life is made of.” Her previous collections include Miss Plastique, Fair […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Dilruba Ahmed, Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, Cynthia Dewi Oka, J.C Todd,  Meeting ID: 836 9654 1345, Passcode: 739757, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Dilruba Ahmed is the author of Bring Now the Angels. Her debut book of poetry, Dhaka Dust, won the Bakeless Prize. Her poems have appeared in Kenyon Review, New England Review, and The New York Times Magazine. Her poems have also been anthologized in The Best American […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Phillip Berryman Meeting ID: 863 4496 4528, Passcode: 462706, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 El Salvador’s crisis of poverty and violence has remained the primal scene for liberation theology’s political assertion that the most vulnerable people pose a moral opportunity for organized religions. This year, we are remembering November 16th, the iconic anniversary of the 1989 massacre of […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Chad Frame, Leah E. Jackson, Shosh Lovett-Graff, with Sean Hanrahan Meeting ID: 824 3734 5103, Passcode: 253385, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Chad Frame’s work appears in Rattle, Pedestal, Menacing Hedge, Mom Egg Review, Philadelphia Stories, Barrelhouse, and other journals. He is Director of the Montgomery County Poet Laureate Program, the Poetry Editor of Ovunque Siamo: New Italian American Writing, and founder of the Caesura Poetry […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Alicia Askenase & Mike Cohen, with Alina Macneal & Jennifer Hook Meeting ID: 824 3734 5103, Passcode: 253385, Phone: +1 646-876-9923 Alicia Askenase is the author of four chapbooks, including The Luxury of Pathos (Texture Press) and Shirley Shirley (sonaweb). Her poetry has appeared in many lit journals, including: Chain#2 and #11, Poetry New York, The World, 6ix, Feminist Studies, Big Bridge, The Journal of […]