Moonstone Presents:

Virtual Poetry Reading: Remembering Léopold Sédar Senghor and the Négritude Movement

Virtual Poetry Reading Remembering Léopold Sédar Senghor and the Négritude Movement Sunday October 10, 2021 – 2pm EST Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956, Passcode: 704102   Léopold Sédar Senghor (10/9/1906 – 12/20/2001) and the Négritude Movement In May 1935, the word ‘Négritude’ appeared for the first time in the only issue of the […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Moonstone Chapbook Contest Winners 2020 to 2015

Virtual Poetry Reading Moonstone Chapbook Contest Winners 2020 to 2015 Hosted by J. C. Todd, our 2021 judge   Sunday October 17, 2021 – 2pm – Virtual Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956 Passcode: 704102       Kyle Laws won in 2020 for The Sea Is Woman, author of Uncorseted, Ride the Pink […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Poets Speak Back to Hunger

Virtual Poetry Reading: Poets Speak Back to Hunger Featuring readers from an e-Collection of Poems from Around the World   Saturday October 23, 2021 – 2pm EST Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956, Passcode: 704102   Join us as we mark the publication of a ground-breaking collection of poems that Speak Back to Hunger.  Several […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Gregory Djanikian and Daniel Simpson

Virtual Poetry Reading: Gregory Djanikian and Daniel Simpson   Tuesday October 26, 2021 – 7pm Meeting ID: 843 0832 9737 – Passcode: 678146   Gregory Djanikian is the author of seven collections of poetry, The Man in the Middle, Falling Deeply into America, About Distance, Years Later, So I Will Till the Ground, […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: David R. Slavitt and Julie Swarstad Johnson

Virtual Poetry Reading: David R. Slavitt and Julie Swarstad Johnson   Sunday October 31, 2021 – 2pm EST Meeting ID: 845 3206 9956, Passcode: 704102   David R. Slavitt’s new book is Opus Posthumous and Other Poems ($19.95, LSU Press, 978-0807175668). He is a poet, novelist, critic, and author of more than 130 works […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Hannah McDonald, Dave Worrell, Sekai’afua Zankel

Virtual Poetry Reading: Hannah McDonald, Dave Worrell, Sekai’afua Zankel On zoom – Registration Required – Registration Link   Hannah McDonald is a writer, poet, geek, and generally funny queer woman. You may have caught her onstage at The Bechdel Test Fest, the National Poetry Slam, or any number of literary events in the Philly […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Hope

Virtual Poetry Reading: Hope   What do you hope for – Send us a poem! DEADLINE – December 31st, 2021 Registration Required – Registration Link In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first human woman created by the gods. … Nonetheless, Pandora opened the jar (in modern accounts often mistranslated as “Pandora’s box“) releasing all […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Mbarek Sryfi, Octavia McBride-Ahebee

Virtual Poetry Reading: Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Mbarek Sryfi, Octavia McBride-Ahebee ON ZOOM Registration Required – Registration Link   Jeffrey Ethan Lee’s first poetry book, invisible sister, was a finalist for the MMM Press Book Prize. His second book, identity papers, was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. His novel, The Autobiography of Somebody […]

New Voices: Finn Holovacs, Nilah Swan, Evan Wang

New Voices: Finn Holovacs, Nilah Swan, Evan Wang Registration Required, Registration link: New Voices is a program designed for emerging poets under the age of 25. It aims to create a platform for young poets by welcoming them into the larger poetry community and giving them the opportunity to share their work with a wide audience. […]

Virtual Poetry Reading: Celia Bland, Jonathan Blunk, Cindy Savett

Virtual Poetry Reading: Celia Bland, Jonathan Blunk, Cindy Savett On Zoom – Registration Required – Registration Link   Celia Bland co-edited Jane Cooper: A Radiance of Attention with Martha Collins. Her third collection of poetry, Cherokee Road Kill, received the 2015 Raynes Prize, Madonna Comix, an image and poetry collaboration she created with artist Dianne Kornberg, was exhibited […]