Schedule of Thomas Paine events

Join us to celebrate the life and work of one of Thomas Paine, one of America’s most influential and radical yet under-appreciated citizens. We will be holding monthly lectures, sponsoring a high school writing contest, and celebrating Paine’s life on the 200th anniversary of his death, June 8, 2009.

Wednesday February 4, 2009: “Thomas Paine: Apostle of Freedom”

6:00 pm
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street

A presentation on Thomas Paine by Jack Fruchtman.

Tuesday March 10: “Teaching Thomas Paine”

3:00 pm
School District of Philadelphia, 440 N. Broad Street,
call 215-400-5719 for reservations

An Act 48 credit presentation on teaching Thomas Paine for English and history high school teachers by Jack Fruchtman.

Wednesday, March 11: “Thomas Paine and Revolutionary America”

10:00 am
Central High School – students only

6:00 pm
St. Peter’s Church – open to the public – 3rd & Pine

A lecture on Paine in American and his work: Common Sense and The Crisis by Jack Fruchtman.

Wednesday, April 1: “Thomas Paine In Europe”

10:00 am
University City High School – students only

6:00 pm
Moonstone Arts Center – 110A S. 13th St.

A lecture on Paine in Europe and his work: The Rights of Man, Age of Reason, and Agrarian Reform by Jack Fruchtman.

Wednesday, April 22: “Thomas Paine and the Promise of America”

6:00 pm
Historical Society of Pennsylvania – open to the public
13th & Locust – 215-732-6200 ext. 412 for RSVP

A lecture on “Thomas Paine and the Promise of America,” looking at Thomas Paine’s influence throughout American history, by Harvey Kaye.

Thursday, April 23: “Thomas Paine and the Promise of America”

10:00 am
Northeast High School – students only

A lecture on “Thomas Paine and the Promise of America,” looking at Thomas Paine’s influence throughout American history, by Harvey Kaye.

Saturday, May 30: “I am Thomas Paine”

Free Library of Philadelphia – 19th & Vine Sts
open to the public

The twelve finalists in Moonstone’s Thomas Paine Essay Contest read their essays. Two winners will be chosen who will then present their essays at the June 8 panel discussion.

Monday June 8:
“We Have It In Our Power To Begin The World Over Again”

6:00 pm
Drexel University, Mitchell Auditorium, Bossone Building – Market St. between 31st and 32nd open to the public.

A panel discussion on the life and influence of Thomas Paine featuring: Eric Foner, Jack Fruchtman, Harvey J. Kaye, as well as the two winning authors of our high school writing contest.

This event will be filmed for broadcast on public and educational television and will be followed by a reception.

Check out our Sponsors page for more information on our venues and partners!

Presented by Moonstone, Inc.
110A S. 13th Street, Philadelphia – (215) 735-9600

Co-Sponsored by The Office of College and Career Awareness of the School District of Philadelphia, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, St. Peters Church and the Henry George School.

Funded by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, with additional support from the Samuel S. Fels Fund, the Barra Foundation, and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.