Intern & Volunteer Positions

Most of what we do is free, so we depend on a little help from our friends.

We prefer the inspiration, flexibility, and team-work best found by in-person internships. However, as we are operating in the midst of a global pandemic, all positions are offered remotely. We are doing our best to adapt to the digital age!

Positions include publishing (working with poets to prepare their books), communication (marketing, website, social media), graphic design (flyers, book covers, poem illustration), film (poetry reading editing, taping events), research (primarily on grants). These are suggested positions, but we are flexible to your interests and experience.

Contact Larry Robin,, to be considered for one of our intern positions.

Moonstone is a 501C3 non-profit founded in 1983. We operate at Moonstone Preschool and the Moonstone Arts Center with the motto, “Education through the Arts from the Cradle to the Grave.” The preschool uses art as cognitive development. The Arts Center presents about 100 poetry readings and programs and publishes around 30 books a year. Our focus is on art as it relates to both the individual and society.

Check out what our previous interns had to say about their experience: