A Splitleaves Affair

Saturday, March 19, 7pm – Poetry

A Splitleaves Affair

organized by Benjamin Winkler and Splitleaves Press

Rauan Klassnik’s Holy Land released from Black Ocean in 2008. Chapbooks from Kitchen Press and Mud Luscious followed. He is currently, among otherthings, wallowing in his 2nd full-length manuscript. It’s tentatively titled The Moon’s Jaw.

Michelle Taransky is the author of Barn Burned, Then selected by Marjorie Welish for the 2008 Omnidawn Poetry Prize. Taransky teaches writing at Pennand Temple and works at Kelly Writers House where she is Reviews Editor for Jacket2. A chapbook, No, I Will Be In The Woods, is forthcoming from Brave Men Press.

Kim Gek Lin Short is the author of the cross-genre novella The Bugging Watch & Other Exhibits (Tarpaulin Sky Press), and the chapbooks Run (Rope-a-Dope) and The Residents (dancing girl press). Her next full-length hybrid, ChinaCowboy, is forthcoming from Tarpaulin Sky. You can visit Kim at her website www.kimgeklinshort.com or in Philadelphia.

Justin Marks writes marketing copy for god. His first book is A Million in Prizes (New Issues Press, 2009). He is also the author of several chapbooks,the most recent being On Happier Lawns (Poor Claudia, 2011). He is aco-founder of Birds, LLC, an independent poetry press, and lives in Queens, NY with his wife and their two year-old son and daughter.