A Splitleaves Affair organized by Benjamin Winkler

Saturday, May 14, 7pm – Poetry

A Splitleaves Affair organized by Benjamin Winkler

Ryan Eckes was born in Northeast Philadelphia and now he writes poems. You can find some of them on the internet: in the journals Scythe, Fanzine, 60 Watts, the ixnay reader, on his blog, ryaneckes [dot] blogspot [dot] com, and other places. His books include Stolen Cars, Common Sense, and Old News, which is forthcoming from Furniture Press. Right now he’s writing a book called Valu-Plus.

Jenn McCreary is the author of :ab ovo:, published by Dusie Press in 2009. She is also the author of the chapbooks: errata stigmata (Potes & Poets Press), four o’clock pocket chiming (Beautiful Swimmer Press), & :Odyssey & Oracle: (Least Weasel); the e-chapbook: Maps & Legends: (Scantily Clad Press) & a doctrine of signatures (Singing Horse Press). Her poetry has been published in magazines including Combo, Lungfull!, Tool: A Magazine, POM2, So To Speak, Sous Rature, Tangent, & How2. She lives with the writer Chris McCreary & their twin sons in Philadelphia, where she co-edits ixnay press with Chris, works for the Mural Arts Program, & serves on the board of the Philly Spells Writing Lab.  In her spare time she writes poems & charms snakes.

Chris McCreary is the author of three books of poems, most recently Undone : A Fakebook (Furniture Press, 2010). He has reviewed poetry and fiction for venues such as Rain Taxi and St. Mark’s Poetry Project Newsletter, and one of his short stories will be published in BlazeVOX 11.

Christophe Casamassima is the editor and proprietor of Furniture Press Books, and author of the Proteus Cycle (The Proteus; Joys: a catalogue of disappointments; Ore), Three Suite, Untilted, and Of, published by Splitleaves Press in the Spring of 2011. He currently serves as the Co-Founder/Director of Literary and Performance Arts at the Baltimore Center for the Emerging Text.