Alien Architect, Super Galactic Expansive, Mic Stew, and a slew of poets

Saturday, December 18, 7pm – Music and Poetry – Suggested Donation $5

Hella Uber Neat(o) Music, Communal Art, Poetry, Event/Happening @ Moonstone, by way(s) of THE (fAbulous, stylish, and chic)

ALIEN ARCHITECT (post alternative indie goth hop experimental fusion): (doing a somewhat impromptu set prolly w/ MJ, Elliot Levin, S ka Sabaka, and probably other “special” “guests” TBA? …dave?)

Super Galactic Expansive (hip hop electric eclectic)

Mic Stew (lyrical and flowin’ hip hop artiste)

And spectacular/awesome poets;

Lamont Steptoe, Mel Brake, Smyte 9, Ray Garman, Elliott Levin, Lillian Dunn, tamara oakman, and Jade Shames…
Introductions and such by Ray Garman aswell… possibly by other people too

(erybody doin’ collaborative art making, by way of)
Panadelphia Art Party!! (Paul, Squintzs!) –so come thru and do sum art and stuffff —

Also in collaboration w/ Apiary !! (Tamara, Lillian)

suggested donation of $5 or whatever you can afford, or if you cannot afford, ‘perty pease come anyways for FREE, and bring a million gagillions of people(s)

((more info TO BE ANNOUNCED!??))