Thursday – 11/19 – 7pm – Rachel Simon Author of Riding the Bus with My Sister and Building a Home with My Husband



author of Riding The Bus With My Sister ($15.00 Penguin), Building a Home With My Husband ($24.95 Penguin)

“I met Rachel years ago when she was a fiction writer with a wonderful novel, The Magic Touch, and a book of short stories, Little Nightmares, Little Dreams. She did the reading in a dress with lots of lollypops pinned to it, which she handed out to the audience as she spoke. She came to another reading in a wedding gown. I thought she was a terrific writer, creative in both her writing and her presentations. She taught at area colleges and worked at a chain bookstore. There were no new novels. And then she published a best selling non-fiction book, Riding The Bus With My Sister. I have asked her to do something special for us, to talk about her evolution as a writer and the realities of being a writer in America today. I thought this would be especially interesting because so many good writers get their one novel published and then disappear. Rachel did not stop writing and she found a way to keep getting published. In today’s world of books that is amazing.” – Larry Robin

Rachel Simon is an award-winning author and nationally known public speaker. She is best known for her critically acclaimed, bestselling memoir Riding The Bus With My Sister, which was adapted for a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie of the same name. The book has garnered numerous awards, and is a frequent and much beloved selection of many book clubs, school reading programs, and city-wide reads throughout the country.