Bente Hansen author of Edgar Speaks

Thursday, September 29, 7pm – New Age

Bente Hansen author of

Edgar Speaks: Inner Transformation, Journey to 2012 and Earth Changes ($14.97)

“Edgar Speaks by Bente Hansen is a great ride. Although she has channeled various light beings for over 10 years, about 15 months ago her energy merged with that of Edgar Cayce and she began channeling him.
This book details Bente’s story of how this happened and what it has meant to her personally as well as in her career as a healer and counselor. The energy transmitted through this book is a high one and is easily felt from the moment you begin to read it. There is astute information about the upcoming earth changes, 2012, and many facets of living consciously in today’s world. I love that Edgar focuses on the fact that what we do right now will determine what happens in 2012 instead of simply telling people what is going to happen. He explains that we determine it as opposed to others who seem to feel something is predestined to happen. There is a section in the book with questions asked by people at various events and just about every issue is discussed from health to sexuality to career. This is a timely book and you will discover great value here even if you have not had prior interest in or knowledge of Edgar Cayce. People need this information right now and Edgar Speaks provides it with great clarity.” – Krysta Gibson, the Co-Founder and Editor of New Spirit Journal

With recent reports of massive earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear chaos, economic changes and other large-scale disasters, many people are beginning to worry if we are truly witnessing the beginning of the end of the world. Spiritual author, teacher and healer, Bente Hansen has a powerful message for those who may be worried or feel afraid. “Don’t worry, live in the moment and just be yourself,” states the self-proclaimed Energetic Channel and author of the book, Edgar Speaks, a book she wrote after and unexpected mystical encounter with the energy of the deceased “Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). Bente Hansen, who has worked as a healer since 1991, has written several mystical books including, Messages from Beyond (2001), and The New World of Self-Healing (2006). In her new book, a 206-page personal growth manual, Hansen gives step-by-step strategies to help people deal with the fears, worries and concerns that the world is heading for a cataclysmic shift. She also shares her personal journey with the energy of Edgar Cayce as well as powerful messages of healing and hope for the world.